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I will introduce myself. Amemori Taizo (AMEMORI tie elephant) It says. Idea article : tobacco (Stop smoking) Fixed subscription magazine: Nikkei personal computer : Canon Circle etc. Hobby : Wild grass : Copy Truth : Video : Personal computer (model of personal computer) (Sony_vaio_RZ53 Pentum(R)4 CPU 2.80GHz) (NEC_Levie_LL7908D NOOT) : Amateur radio Handle HAM= (TAIZ) Personal-computer-communications = (AME) QTH Kyoto-shi Nishikyo-ku it is . (It is per about 100m on the Nishikyo fire department north) GL PM74UX JCC 220111 *** Profile *** Call sign JR3KIB (starting-service Showa 47) V63TA (micro NESHIA federal PONAPE) 5W1II : (Western Samoa) EX Call Specification of a license : 1.9M - 1200M (14M it removes) A1 A3 A5 A9 A3J F1 F2 F3 RIG : TS-820V FT-736MX FT-727G IC-12N ANT : : HF= V type DAIPORU 50 M=HB 9CV 144&430=GP 1200 M=GP (10MTRS HI) TNC : AIWA APX-25 & APX-M25 Modem : WebCaster 620m (which is Member of JA3YAQ Kyoto club ) (Member of JJ3ZVP Kyoto new BIWAKO marine club)2m 145.18MHz JR3KIB E-Mail: jr3kib @ jarl.com (Please exclude and send space for the spam mail prevention to the transmission of putting space before and behind the @ mark. ) I would appreciate your favor in the future. 73 & 88 De JR3KIB TAIZ |