

Year Authors Title Journal or Book
2005 Ehara, S. and K. Ohashi A new spider mite species of Schizotetranychus (Acari: Prostigmata: Tetranychidae) from Quercus gilva in Japan. Zootaxa 884: 1-5.
2004 Imai, C. Photoperiodic induction and termination of summer diapause in adult Epilachna admirabilis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from a warm temperate region. European Journal of Entomology 101: 523-529.
2004 Ohashi, K. Food Records of Two Rare Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Entomological Review of Japan 59 :131-132.
2003 Osawa, N. The influence of female oviposition strategy on sibling cannibalism in the lady bird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). European Journal of Entomology 100: 43-48.
2003 Ito, E. and K. Kikuzawa Reduction of geitonogamy: flower abscission for departure of pollinators. Ecological Research 18: 177-183.
2003 Nakata, K., A. Ushimaru and T. Watanabe Using past experience in web relocation decisions enhances the foraging efficiency of the spider Cyclosa argenteoalba. Journal of Insect Behavior 16:371-380.
2003 Takakura, K. The nutritional contribution by males affects the feeding behavior and spatial distribution of females in a bruchid beetle, Bruchidius dorsalis. Journal of Ethology.(in press)
2002 Matsumoto, T., Itioka, T. and Nishida, T. Fitness cost of parasitoid avoidance behavior in the arrowhead scale, Unaspis yanonensis Kuwana. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 105: 83-88.
2001 Ushimaru, A. and K. Nakata The evolution of flower allometry in selfing species. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4:1217-1227.
2001 都野展子 京都におけるキノコ食昆虫群集の構造. 日本生態学会誌 51:73-86.
2001 Watanabe, T. Effects of web design on the prey capture efficiency of the uloborid spider Octonoba synotides under abundant and limited prey conditions. Zoological Science, 18: 585-590.
2001 Oku, S. and T. Nishida Presence of single-sex broods under local mate competition in the trap-nesting wasp Trypoxylon malaisei- adaptation or mal-adaptation? Annals of the Entomological Society of America 94:550-554.
2000 Ito, E. and K. Kikuzawa Differentiation of the timing of flower abortion in Tilia japonica. Plant Species Biology 15: 179-186.
2000 Watanabe, T. Web tuning of an orb-web spider, Octonoba sybotides, regulates prey-catching behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B, 267: 565-569.
2000 Watanabe, T. Life history and seasonal change in the frequency of dimorphic stabilimenta of the orb-web spider, Octonoba sybotides (Uloboridae). Acta Arachnologica, 49: 1-12.
2000 Osawa, N. Population field studies on the aphidophagous ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): resource tracking and population characteristics. Population Ecology 42:115-127.
2000 高倉耕一 サイカチマメゾウムシ Bruchidius dorsalis(Fahraeus)の繁殖過程と寄主植物利用に関する生態学的研究 京都大学農学部学位論文
2000 渡部健 Ecological study on plasticity and function of the orb-web design in the spider Octonoba sybotides (カタハリウズグモが形成する円網構造の可塑性とその機能に関する生態学的研究) 京都大学理学部学位論文
1999 Ushimaru A and K. Kikuzawa. Variation of breeding system, floral rew ards, reproductive success in clonal Calystegia species. American Journal of Botany 83: 436-446.
1999 Ito, E. and K. Kikuzawa Cryptic andromonoecy in Tilia japonica, implication by flower abortion. Plant Species Biology 14:193-199.
1999 Watanabe, T. Prey attraction as a possible function of the silk decoration of the uloborid spider Octonoba sybotides. Behavioral Ecology, 10: 607-611.
1999 Watanabe, T. The influence of energitic state on the form of stabilimentum built by Octonoba sybotides (Araneae: Uloboridae). Ethology, 105: 719-725.
1999 Nakata, K. and A. Ushimaru Feeding experience affects web relocation and investment in web threads in an orb-web spider, Cyclosa argenteoalba. Animal Behaviour, 57: 1251-1255.
1999 Oku, S. and Nishida, T. Factors affecting female-biased sex ratio in a trap-nesting wasp. Trypoxylon malaisei. Researches on Population Ecology 41:169-175.
1999 Takakura, K. Active female courtship behavior and male nutritional contribution to female fedundity in Bruchidius dorsalis (Fahraeus) (Coleoptera: Brudhidae). Researches on Population Ecology. 41:269-273.
1999 Tuno, N. Insect feeding on spores of a bracket fungus, Elfvingia applanata (Pers.) Karst. (Ganodermataceae, Aphyllophorales). Ecological Research 14:97-103.
1998 Tuno, N. Spore dispersal of Dictyophora fungi (Phallaceae) by flies. Ecological Research 13:7-15.
1998 Ohgushi, T. and H. Sawada What changed the demography of an introduced population of an herbivorous lady beetle? Journal of Animal Ecology, 67: 679-688.
1998 Osawa, N. Consequences of sibling cannibalism for the fitness of mother and offspring of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis. pp. 221-225. In Behaviour and impact of Aphidophaga (eds. L. Polgar, R.J. Chambers, A.F.G. Dixon and I. Hodek). SPB Academic Publishing, Hague.
1997 Ohgushi, T. and H. Sawada A shift toward early reproduction in an introduced herbivorous ladybird. Ecological Entomology, 22: 90-96.
1997 Ohgushi, T. and H. Sawada Population stability in relation to resource availability in an introduced population of an herbivorous lady beetle. Researches on Population Ecology, 39: 37-45.
1996 Osawa, N. Colonization patterns of Aulacorthum magnolidae (Aphididae: Homoptera) on Sambucus sieboldiana (Caprifoliaceae); the impact of predatory disburbance on an aphid colony and the effects of aphid colonization on plant structure. Japanese Journal of Entomology 64:96-109.
1995 Ohgushi, T. and H. Sawada Demographic attributes of an introduced herbivorous lady beetle. Researches on Population Ecology, 37: 29-36.
1995 塚田森生 ヒゲナガグンバイの生活史. Rostria 44:49-52.
1995 Ohgushi, T. Adaptive behavior produces stability in herbivorous lady beetle populations. Pp. 303-319. In: Cappuccino, N. and P. W. Price (eds.) Population dynamics, new approaches and synthesis. Academic Press, San Diego.
1994 Sawada, H. and T. Ohgushi An introduction experiment of an herbivorous lady beetle: characteristics of the adult population. Researches on Population Ecology, 36: 29-36.
1994 Tsukada, M. Zymogram comparisons between eleven species of Japanese lace bugs (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 29:63-70.
1994 Tsukada, M. The effect of temperature on the development and longevity of the andromeda lace bug, Stephanitis takeyai (Heteroptera: Tingidae) on its two main host plants, Pieris japonica and Lyonia elliptica. Applied Entomology and Zoology 29:571-576.
1994 角野康郎 ムジナモの写真 日本水草図鑑 122p
1993 Momose, K. and Inoue, T. Pollination and factors limiting fruit set of chasmogamous flowers of an amphicarpic annual, Polygonum thumbergii (Poly gonaceae). Researches on Population Ecology 35: 79-93.
1993 Osawa, N. Population field studies of the aphidophagous ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae): life table and key factor analysis. Researches on Population Ecology, 35: 335-348.
1992 Ohgushi, T. Resource limitation on insect herbivore populations. Pp. 199-241. In: Hunter, T., T. Ohgushi and P. Price (eds.) Effects of resource distribution on animal-plant interactions. Academic Press, San Diego.
1992 Osawa, N. and T. Nishida Seasonal variation in elytral colour polymorphism in Harmonia axyridis (the ladybird beetle): the role of non-random mating. Heredity, 69: 297-307.
1992 Osawa, N. Effect of pupation site on pupal cannibalism and parasitism in the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Japanese Journal of Entomology, 60: 131-135.
1992 Osawa, N. A life table of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in relation to the aphid abundance. Japanese Journal of Entomology, 60: 575-579.
1992 Osawa, N. Sibling cannibalism in the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis : fitness consequences for mother and offspring. Researches on Population Ecology, 34: 45-55.
1992 Osawa, N. The effect of shoot growth of Spiraea thunbergii (Rosaceae) on colonization of Aphis spiraecola (Homoptera: Aphididae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 27:557-563.
1992 大澤直哉 ナミテントウの生物学−個体群生態学からのアプローチ−(1)共食い インセクタリウム,29:250-256.
1992 大澤直哉 ナミテントウの生物学−個体群生態学からのアプローチ−(2)色班多型 インセクタリウム,29:282-289
1992 角谷岳彦 ヤブガラシの花蜜分泌とミツバチの訪花行動.  ミツバチ科学.13:27-34.
1991 Osawa, N. Consequences of sibling cannibalism for the fitness of mother and offspring of the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis. Pp. 221-225. In: Polgar, L., R. J. Chambers, A.F.G. Dixon and I. Hodek (eds.) Behaviour and impact of Aphidophaga. The Hague, The Netherlands.
1991 大澤直哉 ナミテントウ野外個体群の生態学的研究  京都大学農学部学位論文.
1990 Kakutani, T., T. Inoue, M. Kato and H. Ichihashi Insect-flower relationship in the campus of Kyoto University, Kyoto: an overview of flowering phenology and seasonal pattern of insect visit. Contr. Biol. Lab. Kyoto Univ., 27: 465-521.
1989 Osawa, N. Sibling and non-sibling cannibalism by larvae of a lady beetle Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in the field. Researches on Population Ecology 31:153-160.
1989 Kakutani, T., Inoue, T. and Kato, M. Nectar secretion pattern of the dish-shaped flower, Cayratia japonica (Vitaceae), and nectar utilization patterns by insect visitors. Researches on Population Ecology. 31:381-400.
1987 Sota, T. Mortality pattern and age structure of two carabid populations with different seasonal cycles. Researches on Population Ecology 29: 237-254.
1987 Sota, T. Effects of temperature and photoperiod on the larval hibervation and adult aestivation of Leptocarabus kumagaii (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 22: 617-623.
1986 Sota, T. Effects of temperature and photoperiod on the larval development and gonad maturation of a carabid beetle, Carabus yaconinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 21: 89-94.
1986 Sota, T. Carabid populations along an altitudinal gradient: life history variation of Leptocarabus kumagaii (Coleoptera, Carabidae). pp. 429-438. In: P.J. den Boer, M.L. Luff, D. Mossakowski & F. Weber (eds.) Carabid beetles: their adaptations and dynamics. Gustav Fischer. New York, Stuttgart.
1985 Sota, T. Limitation of reproduction by feeding condition in a carabid beetle, Carabus yaconinus. Researches on Population Ecology 27: 171-184.
1985 Sota, T. Life history patterns of carabid beetles belonging to the subtribe Carabina (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the Kinki District, western Japan. Kontyu, Tokyo 53: 370-378.
1985 Sota, T. Activity patterns, diets and interspecific interactions of coexisting spring and autumn breeding carabids: Carabus yaconinus and Leptocarabus kumagaii (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Ecological Entomology 10: 315-324.
1985 沼田英治 ヨコヅナツチカメムシの飼育 Rostria 37巻:513-515.
1984 Sota, T. Long adult life span and polyphagy of a carabid beetle, Leptocarabus kumagaii in relation to reproduction and survival. Researches on Population Ecology 26: 389-400.
1983 秋山弘之 日本産ウキゴケ属の胞子 植物分類学雑誌 34巻160-165.
1982 Nishimura, M. How mosquitoes fly to man. Researches on Population Ecology 24: 58-69.
1978 玉田攻・松島昭吾 京大周辺の花折断層(主にγ線測定による) 九十九地学 13: 29-37
1976 安部琢哉 草地に生息する4種アリ間の食物分配について.III.似た食物要求をもつ2種間の餌分配. 生理生態 17:91-100.
1974 森下正明・小野山敬一  京都府のアリ類 森下正明編「京都府の野生動物」(京都府公害対策室)31-40[森下正明生態学論集第一巻.思索社.1979.369-377ページ所収]
1974 中村健児・上野俊一 菩提樹とモリアオガエルの写真 (1960年頃) 原色日本両生爬虫類図鑑、保育社 1974
1973 安部琢哉 草地に生息する4種アリ間の食物分配について.II.蜜へのアリの集まり方. 琉球大学理工学部紀要(理学篇)16:232-245.
1973 安部琢哉 結婚飛行時におけるクロオオアリの行動について. 昆虫 41:333-341.
1973 Hatakeyama, I., G. Murata and H. Tabata A List of Plants in the Botanical Garden of Kyoto University and Some Ecological Data. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Biology 6:91-148.
1971 安部琢哉 草地に生息する4種アリ間の食物分配について.I.食物とその採集行動. 日本生態学会誌 20:219-230.
1970 Hongo, T. Notulae Mycologicae (9). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Education, Shiga University 20:49-54.
1966 本郷次雄 日本産きのこ類の研究 (18) 植物研究雑誌 41:165-172.
1960 大串龍一 植物園の自然誌−アブラムシ2種の生活の断片 生態昆虫 8 (3) :143-149.
1958 本郷次雄 日本産きのこ類の研究 (12) 植物研究雑誌 33:41-48.
1952 可児藤吉 下水溝の生態 木曽王滝川昆虫誌 :141-161. 木曽教育会 [可児藤吉全集.思索社.1970,1971. 241-258ページ所収]
1951 可児藤吉 下水溝の生態 生物科学第3巻第2号 84-90 [可児藤吉全集.思索社.1970,1971. 241-258ページ所収]
1950-52 木原均 生物学閑話第IV集 抜粋 6篇 生物学閑話第IV集 廣川書店
1950 森下正明 ヒメアメンボの棲息密度と移動−動物集団についての観察と考察− 京都大学理学部動物学教室・大津臨湖実験所生理生態学研究業績.第65号.[森下正明生態学論集第二巻.思索社.1979.131-242ページ所収]
1941 森下正明 樹上に於けるクロヤマアリと他種の蟻との関係 昆虫 15:1-9[森下正明生態学論集第一巻.思索社.1979.77-88ページ所収]
1939 森下正明 蟻の活動の日周期(I)クロヤマアリの活動 生態学研究 5:105-116[森下正明生態学論集第一巻.思索社.1979.41-52ページ所収]
1939 森下正明 蟻の活動の日周期(II)トビイロケアリの活動 生態学研究 5:179-184[森下正明生態学論集第一巻.思索社.1979.53-58ページ所収]
1937 可児藤吉 下水溝の生態 京都大学動物学教室 第2講座談話会講演[可児藤吉全集.思索社.1970,1971. 241-258ページ所収]
